Tree Defects To Look For
Observing your tree(s) regularly is key step to being a responisble tree owner and looking out for any potential decfects that could potentially be sign of ill health for your tree or could create a future hazard for yourself or people around you. Below are things you should look out for.
Fungi Fruiting Bodies growing on trees often indicate that something is going on inside the tree most likely decay, its always good to get an opinion if youre not sure.
Cracks often indicate stress most likely from the wind. As the tree moves in the wind the stem and branches absorb the force but sometimes the load becomes too much and cracks start to form.
Cavities form in a range of ways often through damage to the bark exposing the sapwood (the living tissue) in which decay organisms take advantage of this and over time will start decaying the tree
Small amounts of deadwood can be normal for the tree but often exessive amounts deadwood is a clear indication of the trees declining
Discoloured Foilage can mean a range of things, often discolouration in trees appears when the tree cant get nutrients to sustain itself or the trees roots have been damaged in some way e.g. compaction or excavation
A sparse crown often can be seen as sign of decline of the trees health as well as its ability of produce foilage in which the trees death is sadly inevitable
Cracking around the base of the tree where the stem meets the ground, can be a sign of root plate failure, often after serious weather events is keys to inspect the trees root plate for cracks.
A trees lean doesnt always mean a bad thing 9 times out of 10 the trees is trying to grow towards the light, but sometime a very excessive lean can increases the chances of tree failure.
These are just a few things a tree owner can look out for on their tree to give them a basic idea of the health of their tree, keeping in mind just because your tree has one or two of these sympotoms doesnt always mean your tree is in bad health.
Its always recommeded to get a trusted opinion from someone who is appropratley qualified if you are concered about the health of your trees.
Not Sure About Your Tree?
Get in touch and we're than happy to give you an opinion on the health of your tree.
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